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Monarch butterflies


Lila K



Lila K
00:00 / 01:17

To those who will grow up without monarch butterflies

or clear skies

to those who will see hives without bees

or trees with no leaves, I’m sorry

Because when it’s 2043 and we can’t breathe

we’ll be on our knees begging for mercy

We’ll cry and we’ll plead as the world starts to bleed

Blood will trickle down our hands

We’ve tinged the world with oil and touched it with hate

We now beg for the souls

on this planet who care for its fate,

Join us as we say the climate crisis isn’t fake

The earth is many things, but not one we can destroy

The earth is the dew in the morning and the breeze at night

It is the green in the sea, the frost on the grass

It is the water, clear as glass

To change, it may seem so little

it may seem so slight

but the world is beginning to lose its fight

to the weapons we hold in our hands

We must change

because there will be people who will grow up without

monarch butterflies or clear skies

There will be people who will see hives without bees

and trees with no leaves

And to them I say, I'm sorry

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