A feather weight
Anika F
Charity shop is my clothes label
My garden is my supermarket
Home-made my take-away
My shoes are my wheels
I use paper not plastic
I reuse and recycle
I save and avoid
My footprint
not too
I worry about this world
Rivers and streams drying up
or spilling over with polluted waters
The tūī sipping nectar from the kowhai
Honey bees weaving through native flowers
entrusted to our care.
But when I look about
and step into town
my efforts
feel like nothing
nothing but a fragile feather
tossed around
in an torrent of the greed or business
and the broken promises of governments and authorities
littered with laziness and lies
buried in a mountain of let’s-have-fun rubbish
and thrown in the too hard basket.
How can other people not care?
I do not want this blue marble we call home
to shatter
and turn to dust.
But I am just one
of nearly eight billion –
so let our actions
be a feather-weight
for our planet
to bear.