A family identity
Ihaka C

The adrenaline pumps,
my family by my side.
Today, like every day
scheduled for fitness,
a session made to grind.
We finish a circuit,
then off for the daily run.
There’s no rest. A lunge,
a squat, a burpee.
Feet d r a g
out of breath.
We hadn’t worked hard for months
but in Lockdown
our competitive streak appeared.
Exercise kept us fit.
Exercise kept us going.
It was a family thing.
Finally done for the day
back and legs ache
we tuck in for bed.
My eyes shut, finally at rest
until the new day wakes.
The sun rises, slow as a snail.
I can already hear the clatter of weights
my dad preparing our circuit.
Everyone’s awake
we all grunt.
Out on the morning run.
Loads of fitness-filled days.
It takes our minds off the present.
Yes, it’s tiring and yes it’s torture
but I guess it’s who we are.
The family who exercises
a lot!